I just learned of an rebate from Kraftfoods. We still have 2 more weeks to take advantage of the Kraft,
Jingle in Your Holidays rebate. All you have to do is purchase 10 participating products below, mail in the rebate form, along with your receipts with the items circled and you'll get $10 rebate. Participating products include:
* Nabisco Crackers (7oz - 16.5oz)
* Easy Cheese
* Planters Nuts (9.25oz - 21.25oz)
Offer valid on purchases made between October 1st and November 30th. Purchases can be on more than one receipt! Limit one request per family or address.
Here are a couple coupons to use with the rebate:
Save $1/2 Nabisco products
here and
Keep your eye out for a new Kraft booklet found in stores that pairs well with this rebate. I've seen the gigantic, lighted display at the back of my Walmart store, but have yet to see this coupon booklet as the bins are always empty! Keep your eyes peeled though and hopefully we'll all be able to find one.
The booklet contains coupon for:
* $1.50/1 Starbucks Coffee, any 12 oz. bag
* .55/1 Nilla Wafers, any (11 oz - 12 oz.)
* $1/2 Maxwell House, any 10.5 oz. or larger
* $1/2 General Foods International packages
* $1/2 Toasted Chips, any 8.1 oz. OR Easy Cheese
* $1/2 Honey Maid Grahams, any (10 oz. - 14.4 oz.)
* $1/2 Ritz crackers, any (13 oz. - 16 oz.) OR Easy Cheese
* $1/2 Triscuit crackers, any (8 oz. - 9.5 oz.) OR Easy Cheese
* $1/2 Wheat Thins, any (7.5 oz. - 10 oz.) OR Easy Cheese
* $1/2 Planters nuts, any (9.25 oz. - 21.25 oz.)
* $1/2 Nabisco Stoned Wheat Thins, Sociables, Better Cheddars, Chicken in a Biskit, OR Easy Cheese