My morning started about two hours earlier than I originally planned. Don't you hate when you wake up early and can't go back to sleep! I think my brain was anticipating the bargains I knew I would be getting that day.
I started at Old Navy. You would have thought it was a day after Thanksgiving sale the way people were lined up and charging to the flip flops. I smiled, then I went straight to the register with my bag of flip flops I had purchased a couple days earlier. After receiving my money back on the difference in price from Thursday to Saturday, $8.50, I headed next store to Borders.
I have been wanting the 'All New Square Foot Gardening' book. My friend Ginger has been telling me what she has been learning and I knew it was for me. The garden goes in Monday. A perk of having a Borders reward card is that they will email you 40% off coupons and I had printed mine and was ready to make my purchase. The retail price of this book is $19.99. With my coupon I paid only $11.99, plus tax of course. A savings of $8.
Next, I headed up to the USU greenhouse. I had been told about their amazing plant deals. It was true. They have bedding plants, flower pots, and vegetable plants. I had already bought most of my plants for my garden but I picked up five more for the low cost of $2.35. Each week the price of plants is going down by at least 10% more on what they have left. If you live near the university the greenhouse is on the southeast corner of 1400 N. & 800 E. Thank you Cindy for the tip.

I find Sam's Club a necessity for my house. There are several things that I always purchase there, Cheese and eggs are two of them. Did you realize that 5 dz. eggs are only $3.74 and a 5# brick of mild cheddar is $9.32? That makes my eggs .75 cents per dozen and my cheese $1.86 per pound. If my son has eggs, cheese, and tortillas he does not go hungry.

On my previous trip to Albertson's I had discovered that I couldn't use my coupon doublers and I was not going to let them go to waste. I was already driving right past the store so why not stop?
I purchased:
French's honey mustard $1.50 - $.75 SS-3/29 & SS-1/18 - $.75 doubler = Free
Rhodes 12 count cinnamon rolls $3.99 - $1.00 (bonus coupon with other purchased ebay coupons) - $1.00 doubler = $1.99
2 Nabisco Toasted Chips $3.98 - $1.00/2 from store - $1.00 doubler = $.99/bag
Halls cough drops $2.29 - Free SS 3/29 = Free
Total w/tax $4.06
Savings $13.83

Macey's is my last stop. Here is what was purchased there:
10 cans WF of mandrin oranges $.39 ea.
10 cans WF medium olives $.88
2# bag of C&H powdered sugar $1.50
bag of WF cotton balls $.99
WF 16oz. sour cream
Mr. Goodbar, the large size, $.99
9- 15 oz French's Worcestershire $1.23 - $.50 (purchased on ebay) = $.73 ea
10 McCormick Grill Mates Marinades, .71-1.25 oz. envelopes $2.00/3 - $.50/1 RP-4/19 & RP-5/3 = $.17 ea
30 cans Van Camp beans $.50 - buy two get one free (found on ebay) = 3/$1.00
Blue bunny ice cream sandwiches $4.99 - $1.00, print from link on the right, - $4.99 rebate, print this from side link as well, = they are paying me $1.00 to try their product! My rebate form is filled out and the envelope is stamped. Don't forget to get yours in the mail too.
Maceys receipts are not as fun. They do not tell you your savings from their regular price to the sale price like Albertson's does. They did show that I had $15.50 in coupons though.
Total = $41.09 -- this total does include my ice cream sandwiches though.
I was extremely happy with my purchases and savings. I told my husband I think I know how he feels when he brings home an elk from hunting. I felt like the hunter with my 20 point buck! Okay, I know there isn't a 20 point buck but you get what I mean.
Now it was time to slice half of my brick of cheese into slices and grate the rest. This is just a time and money saver that I like. Before I left the house I filled my crock pot with boneless skinless chicken breasts to cook. When I got back I shredded the chicken for my enchiladas, 2 pans for that nights progressive dinner, and two more freezer quart bags full for future use.
Dinner was prepared and dishes done so I had time to play catch with my sweet girl and enjoy a house full of company that evening. Good day, good day.