Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beans, Beans, Beans

I have heard my whole life that beans are a budget stretcher and a necessity in my food storage. Many times in the past decades I have tried to soften my dry beans. Unsuccessful. I was told by a friend of a free class last week on beans. So I figured I would give it one more try. It was a fun class with lots of yummy samples and recipes. I learned how to can my beans with a pressure cooker and because I have acquired my sweet Grandma's, which after 17 plus years I still miss her, pressure cooker. This method works so well. It takes some time but it is easy. I think Grandma is in the kitchen helping me along.

I received an email from this class with a hand out of recipes and a lot of good information. Email me at and I will forward the handouts to you.

Ginger, who inherited her grandma's pressure cooker as well, and I took our pressure cooker lids to the USU extension office and they tested the accuracy of our gauges. I learned that on Monday's they offer this service for free. Any other day of the week it is $3.

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